Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Know your African Higher Education Space: ACEI and ACEII Projects

Today (7-9 November 2017) begins the Joint ACEI and ACEII Projects Workshop at La Palm Royal Hotel in Accra Ghana.

The Association of African Universities is the Regional Facilitating Unit for the ACEI project (west and central Africa) and the Inter-University Council of East Africa is the Regional Facilitating Unit for the ACEII Project (east and southern Africa).

ACE means Africa Higher Education Centres of Excellence. These projects involve 46 universities in Africa that were competitively selected to be the Centers of Excellence.

The project supports the Centers of Excellence to improve their core business of teaching, learning, research, collaboration and some infrastructure upgrade of the universities.

Disbursement Linked Indicators are used to track implementation progress – and funds are disbursed based on the achievement of certain milestones.

How is the project funded – through the International Development Assistance funding which are loans provided by the World Bank to the participating countries. Centers of Excellence get in the region of US$8million (less or more in some cases)

You can learn more about the ACEI project from here: https://ace.aau.org/
You can learn more about the ACEII project from here: http://ace2.iucea.org/


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