These are the ten things that I have learned over the years:
- It is important for all of us to know why we were born. When one does what they are passionate about they are bound to succeed.
- Upcoming ICT / computer science professionals need to understand how to use their technical skills to solve developmental, business or other day to day challenges.
- Educating a woman is really equivalent to educating the nation. Women have the important role of nurturing children and their families. The impact of an educated mother is unbelievably great
- Practical training through graduate traineeships and internships is an important component of building the confidence of students and new graduates
- As a leader one must understand their leadership style and be consistent. As women in leadership positions we must learn to negotiate without being emotional. We don’t need ‘labels / designations’ to lead – we can all lead in our different capacities and spaces of operation.
- When introducing change in an organization its sometimes very difficult. As a leader you might have to dictate and force the change.
- E-learning / technology supported learning if implemented properly has the potential to change (for the better) the learning experiences of students in Africa.
- We all need to become “ICT-literate” so that we can mentor our children to use the related tools properly and in a safe way.
- We can learn a great deal from both young and old people. We must respect both the young and old.
- Targeted and purposeful mentorship to encourage girls and women to take up careers in ICT or to use ICT tools productively does bear fruit. There is an opportunity to understudy different models and case studies for mentoring young girls and women. We have the opportunity to draw on lessons and hopefully implement a hybrid model suitable for the girls and women in Africa.
Do I have any regrets?
- There are times when I have not trusted my instincts. There are times when I have not listened to that small voice in me. When I have looked back I have realized I would have been right to make a certain decision. When I listened to my inner voice I recognized that what I needed to make wise decisions was not only to consult others but most of all was to trust my own instincts.
- I wish I had taken time to have fun as I did what I had to do – and not taken myself too seriously.
- I wish I had begun writing and publishing earlier. I regret neglecting my blog that I began in 2006.
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